Program+ initiatives
For those who reported OCD at some point in their lives, there is a 30 – 80% prevalence for anxiety disorders and a 50 -70% prevalence for mood disorders. Other co-occurring conditions include substance use disorders, eating disorders, specific phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety, PTSD, trauma, etc. The co-occurrence (existing simultaneously) of OCD and anxiety, mood disorders, depression, AD/HD, substance use disorders, and eating disorders is a vital topic. With our programs and initiatives, we hope to open the box and shine a light!

We are thrilled to announce the following initiatives in 2025 (stay tuned for more!)
Fearless Exhibit – Addressing student mental Health
We are thrilled to announce that we have expanded our “Fearless” project with The Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville (MOCA). Last year, students shared their thoughts and personal experience with anxiety through artwork that was then exhibited at the museum. Richard Rhor has famously said, “You cannot heal what you do not acknowledge”. It is often easier for our young people to express through artistic endevour what they find difficult to articulate verbally. Last year we saw canvases that powerfully demonstrated the mental health challenges our students are facing and opened up the conversation around student mental health. This year the exhibition will include 150 pieces created by middle, high school and university students and will be exhibited at MOCA through the month of May in support of Mental Health Awareness Month.
Plant A Camp
JACK MHA’s Plant A Camp Program will begin its third year of launching summer camps for kids living with OCD, Anxiety and related disorders. We will be accepting proposals June 1 through October 1 and will award our camp grants by November. We are proud to have launched camp in Georgia, Lousiana, Wisconsin, Idaho, and Washington. At these camps, children will receive evidenced based treatment with trained clinicians while also enjoying a camp experience and being with peers living with similar struggles.
Access to Care
JACK wants to help individuals that lack resources to receive evidence-based care for OCD. In partnership with clinicians around the country, we offer 56% of the session cost ( Up to the national average of $170.00) for 16 sessions. Research supports that people can experience a reduction in YBOC scores and receive the psycho-education necessary to manage symptoms going forward. We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Lacie Lazero ( is now heading up our program and will be instrumental in tracking the effectiveness metrics of our program and working with the clinicians that help support our initiatives.

We are thrilled to announce the following initiatives in 2024:
- JACK is continuing its Access to Care Program in which we work with clinicians nationally to bring evidence-based therapy for OCD. If you are a clinician and want to help us provide evidence-based care for those in need, contact us at
- We will continue to sponsor our Supporting Families Livestream found on the IOCDF social media platforms.
- Friday, February 9th we are the beneficiary of the proceeds at a Valentine’s mixer sponsored by the Rotary Club of St. Augustine, Sunset.
- We will have a significant presence at the IOCDF Conference in Orlando, Florida, in July. Watch for details.
- In the fall of 2024, JACK will be holding a “Faith and Mental Health” conference.
- Watch for a new Fearless Collection from Natural Life.
- We are setting sail with the second annual Mariners for Mental Health Boat Parade in October.
- We will begin to accept “Plant a Camp Program” proposals in August for camps summer of 2025. JACK MHA is offering 15 thousand dollars to IOCDF affiliates who will start a summer camp for children with OCD. JACK MHA will provide a manual and training with an expert clinician well-versed in OCD camps for the pediatric population. We hope to plant two- three camps per year.
Initiatives accomplished since our launch in April 2022 until December 2023
● Sponsor Spanish language BTTI (Behavior Therapy Training Institute- 20k)
● $3500 contribution to the BTTI Scholarship fund
● Supported LGBTQ+ Mental Health programming at The Lighthouse
● Contribution to Project Heal to provide care for co-occurring eating disorders and OCD
● 26 scholarships to ERP School for both clinicians and sufferers
● 10K matching gift program to the IOCDF in December 2022
● 2022 Conference 3 scholarships with travel stipends
● Books for conference attendees
● Art Therapy program for La Villa School with The Museum Of Contemporary Art
● Mental Health programming for The Gabriel House of Care. A facility that houses
transplant patients and their families receiving care at The Mayo Clinic. Another
population of people that have to face their fears every day!
● In our Access to Care Program, we supported 36 individuals to receive 16 sessions of
evidenced-based care with trained Clinicians throughout the country.
● We have provided scholarships to 3 clinicians, four sufferers, and a mother of an OCD
sufferer, with travel stipends to the 2023 IOCDF Conference.
● Booth in the Exhibition Hall IOCDF Conference
● 10k Sponsorship of the Family and Caregiver livestream
● 10k Sponsorship ERP 101 platform for graduate students
● $350 donation OCD Walk Central and South plus Natural Life Gifts
● Natural Life gifts for raffle OCD Ohio
● Help for OCD Advocate in the UK
● Sponsored an Event In Puerto Rico Supporting the Latino Study by Baylor University
and UNC-Chapel Hill
● Suppy donation to the IOCDF Creatives Sig
● $250 Donation to OCD Gamechangers and participation in the live stream
● Scholarships to three eating disorder therapists to attend ERP School
● Walk donations of Fearless items for OCD Ohio, OCD Texas, and OCD Central and
● 45k to Plant pediatric OCD camps in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Lousiana

The first 20 mothers with OCD or who are caring for a child with OCD will receive scholarships. You must describe why you would like to take this course and agree to provide feedback after completion. We would like to know what you learned or found most helpful. To learn more about ERP, visit the website – ERP School. Mail all inquiries to

Clinician training initiative
JACK is thrilled to announce our first commitment to clinician training in underserved areas. We will be sponsoring The Behavior Therapy Training Institute ( BTTI) for Clinicians In Puerto Rico in November 2022. Please check back on our website or The IOCDF website for more details in the coming months.
Interested in our programs + initiatives?