OCD, also known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, might be perceived by others as the urge to keep everything in shape and organized. But no, it is NOT that! The social stigma created around OCD is devastating, which is one of the many reasons it feels terrible to be an OCD patient. Medications, depression, panic attacks, stress, sleepless nights, and overthinking are just only a few of the...
News + articles

Be Fearless
May 18, 2021
“Anxiety is often a cycle of worrying about things that are out of your control. Our minds take hold of a thought, then carry it to the worst possible conclusion. We can fret about everything! But it won’t stop an oncoming hurricane, global discourse, a...

Parenting During a Pandemic When Your Child Has OCD
May 20, 2020
Much has been written about the plight of parents during the COVID-19 crisis. Moms and dads are navigating the trials of working remotely, keeping their kids on track with school and trying to create activities for the family within the safe...

How My Son’s OCD Inspired the Creation of an Encouraging Mental Health Product Line
Dec 5, 2017
My daughter gave me a shirt this past Christmas that reads “Mama Bear.” It’s cute, but to me, it represents exactly how I feel about motherhood. I imagine myself as a grizzly, upright on hind quarters, willing to attack anything that threatens my cubs. What I learned...

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JACK exists to change the way OCD and anxiety sufferers and their families navigate the challenges of mental illness, fight stigma, and obtain quality education, support and treatment.
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