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Brooke’s Story – I Am Not My OCD

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Your Stories | 0 comments

My Story

Hi, my name is Brooke. I’m a teen, and I’ve been on a lot of meds in my life. At one point, my psychiatrist started me on medication but did not wean me from another medicine I was taking. Consequently, I ended up going to the hospital with a severe reaction. The doctor diagnosed me with OCD. I wasn’t surprised, but at the same time, I was shocked he put me on the same type of drug (an OCD off-label medication). In the end, I’m glad he did because the medication helps with the anxiety sometimes.

I’m going to see a new psychiatrist that will wean me off medication. I do CBT therapy. It helps me be mindful that I am not my OCD. OCD is something that I have, not something that I am. OCD is very hard – it’s very stressful and angry at times. I  know OCD can get better through hard work and a great therapist, so readers, please know there is hope. OCD is a process, but there is hope.

I’m still working on myself, as the medication made me realize I have to fight my OCD. I cannot let OCD win if I want to be off all medications. So, to any teenager out there – OCD sucks, but use it as a superpower! Don’t let it define you because you are not your OCD ❤️

Thank you Brooke! JACK MHA



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